

The goal of this website is to make it easy for anyone around the world to learn how to play Touch Rugby.

We’ll cover the basics: how to dump the ball, how to pass, how to drive—all the way up to more advanced attacking moves, defensive systems, and rucking patterns.
Eventually, I want the site to have a directory of clubs around the world, so it’s easy for anyone to find a touch club wherever they live.
I hope you find it helpful! And if you have any questions or feedback, you can contact me at tom@touchrugby.org.

Who am I?

My name is Tom. I learned to play touch when I was 14, and have played in Singapore, Switzerland, England, and now Canada.
Over the years I’ve learned from great Aussie and Kiwi coaches who have taught me everything I know about touch. When I tried to go on the internet to look up the plays we were learning, or, as we started getting more competitive, the best fitness routines for Touch, I couldn’t find any information.
I started this site to share what little I know, and hopefully make it easier for new people around the world to get into Touch.
All the good ideas on this site are due entirely to others: my coaches, and the few Touch YouTube channels who put out amazing content. Any errors or omissions are entirely my own.
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Photo credits:

All of the pictures on this site are from Touch Canada from US and Canadian nationals. All credit to the photographers!
Our photographers: